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removing hatch window

Geplaatst: 24 okt 2010, 11:35
door MX-3-Tom
Hi guys,

does anybody have any experiances in removing the hatch windows from the hatch door?
Will the glass panel brakeup?

Greeeetz! Tom :bier:

Geplaatst: 24 okt 2010, 11:40
door yellow
M&M told me its pretty easy... the window was bolted onto the hatch with only one bolt..

@M&M: back me up here?

Geplaatst: 24 okt 2010, 15:32
door martinenijenhuis
Hi Tom,

Nice to see you're still visiting the greatest club of Eur.... :mrgreen:

- Ofcourse, first you remove all the plastic stuff,
- then the two plugs of the window heating, left and right.
- Then you remove the one or two nuts, you'll see them easily.
- You remove the rubber from the outside. Maybe, when you are lucky, you can pull it out and keep the rubber at one piece. Otherwise you have to slice it with a knife (and you buy a new one).

- The hole window is glued, you will have to slice the glue with a special tool for this ( a window-glue-slicer :mrgreen: ). It's a sharp metal wire, with two handles, see the pictures.
You have to do it carefully!! with two persons (because the window can brake).

Please take your time for it!


Good luck and lets us know if you succeed!

Greetings M&M

Geplaatst: 24 okt 2010, 20:26
door MX-3-Tom
martinenijenhuis schreef:Hi Tom,
Nice to see you're still visiting the greatest club of Eur.... :mrgreen:

Hi M&M. ;)
Yeah...the greatest club. :bouncered:

Thanks for the detailled information. :)
And the windows will not break when I'll do it carefully? :)

Nice evening guys! :bier:

Geplaatst: 25 okt 2010, 18:44
door martinenijenhuis
Hi Tom,

we forgot one detail: after removing the plastic stuff, you'll have to remove the wing ;)

'And the windows will not break when I'll do it carefully?'

Of course the window will not brake. And when it does, I'll tell everybody that you weren't careful enough :mrgreen: :clown:

Good luck!!

Greetings M&M

Geplaatst: 28 okt 2010, 17:18
door MX-3-Tom
Thanks! :)
:bouncered: :bouncered:
:bier: :bier:

So I'll keep you up to date! :)