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Geplaatst: 21 jan 2011, 12:03
door yellow
WhiteFinish schreef:Please move it to one week later :angel: :angel:

No don't I've already requested a few days off at my work. Still no confirmation yet but hopefully next week :mrgreen:

Geplaatst: 27 jan 2011, 19:17
door The-Xtreme_Mazda
deze datum is zeker moet nu al namelijk vrij vragen :oops:
:bier: :angel: :mrgreen: maar heb er zeker zin in omdat ik voorjaar niet kon ..............

Geplaatst: 04 feb 2011, 21:11
door MX-3-Tom
Hi guys,

we will meet DEFINATELY again in BITTERFELD.
The same location as last year. :)

We are really welcome again.

The owner of the camp site was impressed of our meeting and so there is no problem with them.

The prices will be compareable to last year.

I am so happy. :)

PS: There are also 10 Community people yet, who will come to Automaxx. :bier: :bier:

Geplaatst: 05 feb 2011, 16:08
door martinenijenhuis
:bier: :bier: :bouncered:

We are looking forward to it :bouncered: :bouncered:

Groetjes M&M