Pagina 4 van 8

Geplaatst: 02 jun 2010, 21:54
door martinenijenhuis
We hebben natuurlijk al wel met claudi gesproken :)
Maar dat ging voornamelijk over autofest ;)
Helaas heeft Tom niets van zich laten horen :cry:

Groetjes M&M

Geplaatst: 15 jun 2010, 21:40
door MX-3-Tom
Hi guys,

so much sorry for the delay. :cry: :cry:

I had some stress with my degree dissertation.
But now, I am looking forward to the meeting.

I have some news for you.
We will not drive to "Ferropolis", because there is a music-festival. In January the owner of "Ferropolis" did not know of this festival.
But now, the festival will take place there and so we could not meet "Ferropolis".

But we have a lot of ideas for saturday:
- driving to donky/Köthen (fixed)
- driving go-kart
- picture rallye
- constancy race (75% fixed)
- sightseeing (fixed)

Geplaatst: 15 jun 2010, 21:51
door MX-3-Tom
Hallo friends,

now I will give you further information

camp site location

Campingplatz "Goitzsche Camp"
Niemegker Straße 24
06749 Bitterfeld

We have a big meadow. It's no problem to drive on this grassland with our cars.
We could go swimming in the "Großer Goitzschesee" next to the grassland.
We can make a barbecue.

It's a camp site. So you have to bring a tent, sleeping-bag, ... with you.

Friday evenig we will drive to McDonalds/Burger King/Subway.
Saturday evening we will make a BBQ. Saturday afternoon you can buy meat or saugages.
We will give you knive, fork an dishes.
You have to bring drinks with you or buy them there.
For breakfast you can buy biscuit at the camp site.
Alternatively we can organize an "all you can eat breakfast" for 3,50 EUR per person.
I think this is great, because this is organzied by the camp-site. :)

Prices are for 1 night.
Prices are with camp-site, accomodation and current.
Please pay locally when you are there.

1 person, 1 car, 1 tent: 14 EUR
each further person: 5 EUR

Hope to see you .... and I will look in this forum mory frequently.
:bier: :bier: :bier:

Geplaatst: 23 jun 2010, 21:41
door MX3V6_DH
Thanks for the new info Tom. I heard from club members who were with you in Köthen a few years ago that it will be quite a long drive for us Dutchies, but me and my girlfriend are looking forward to it :)

Geplaatst: 24 jun 2010, 19:53
door MX-3-Tom
Yeah, it's a litte bit farther than Diez.
But our time there would be great.

Hope to see you! :) :)

Geplaatst: 27 jun 2010, 09:23
door Yence
The drive is 1/2 the fun 8)

Geplaatst: 27 jun 2010, 13:05
door yellow
Yence schreef:The drive is 1/2 the fun 8)

Hey Yence,

Is the RX-7 ready for the big trip ?

Geplaatst: 27 jun 2010, 15:22
door Yence
Yes it's ready 8) Cost me 3x more then expected and took them almost 2 months :evil: but it's ready nevertheless

Geplaatst: 07 jul 2010, 20:00
door WhiteFinish
Kom op mensen !!

Dit is een geweldig evenement ! 8)

Geplaatst: 07 jul 2010, 20:16
door martinenijenhuis
Ik zal het lijstje weer even ophalen...

1 ) M&M ..........2 pers
2 ) Dj mike ......2 pers
3 ) The-Xtreme_Mazda........ 1pers (OVB)
4 ) Yence ..........1 of 2 pers
5 ) Jeroidmx3......1 of 2 pers
6 ) Yellow......1 pers
7) Whitefinish 2 pers
8 ) MX3V6_DH 2 pers
9) djman 2 pers (ovb)

En idd het is echt een meeting dat eens mee moet hebben gemaakt, wij gaan al jaren! elk jaar weer !met veel plezier hier heen!!
En het is ook altijd een hele belevenis!!!! 8)

Ik mis een een paar namen.. ;)

Groetjes M&M